MS- 2-7
Mini-symposium title
2-7 – Mechanics of Impact and Trauma
Michael Gilchrist (University College Dublin), Svein Kleiven (KTH Stockholm), Andrew Post (University of Ottawa)
Mini-symposium description
This mini-symposium, which will form an integral part of the programme of the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference, will allow researchers from industry and academia to present their latest findings on both fundamental and applied aspects of impact and trauma to the human body. While the organisers of this mini-symposium are particularly interested in head and brain biomechanics, the scope of suitable topics is intentionally broad and inclusive and will include both mathematical, computation and experimental research on various dimensional scales for the entire human body, i.e., limbs, organs, tissues and cells. Relevant topics will include, but are not limited to, mechanisms of injury and trauma, safety thresholds, novel designs for personal protective equipment (PPE), medicolegal cases that emphasise interesting aspects of impact biomechanics, the short- and long-term clinical aspects of impact and trauma, the consequences of multiple or repeated impact events, and outcome differences associated with gender, age or environment.