MS- 1-9
Mini-symposium title
1-9 – Modelling of Plasticity at Multiple Length Scales
Fionn Dunne (Imperial College London), Noel O'Dowd (University of Limerick)
Mini-symposium description
This mini-symposium aims to address mechanistic understanding of plasticity in metal alloys over length scales from nm to mm, and will include established methods of molecular dynamics, discrete dislocation, field dislocation, crystal plasticity and phase field modelling but is also open to alternative approaches. Modelling studies, when integrated with complementary experimental and quantitative characterisation work at multiple length scales, are especially welcomed. Mechanistic plasticity associated with slip, twinning, dislocation structure, persistent slip bands, and environment through to fatigue, creep, and stress corrosion are all relevant to this session. While priority is given to mechanistic understanding from modelling, results from such studies which drive new experiments, or aim to address key scientific questions arising in engineering applications (from power generation, transport, to processing) are also welcomed.