Online conference registration is now closed. You can still register onsite!
The registration fee includes attendance at the conference sessions, lunch and coffee breaks, and the Welcome Reception.
Early Registration
(up to 31 March 2022)
Late Registration
(from 1 April 2022)
Conference Dinner

Early Registration
(up to 31 March 2022)
Late Registration
(from 1 April 2022)
Conference Dinner

Low & Middle Income (LMI) Countries
Early Registration
(up to 31 March 2022)
Late Registration
(from 1 April 2022)
Conference Dinner

Registration fees are VAT exempt. The Conference dinner fee includes VAT @ 23%.
Please note: The registration fee includes the annual EUROMECH membership fee (€30). Non-EUROMECH members who register for the conference become members automatically for one year. They will be invited to renew their membership subsequently. For EUROMECH members who register for the conference, their membership will automatically be extended by two years.
To register as a Student (undergraduate, graduate or PhD student) a proof of enrollment (i.e. a scanned copy of the student ID card) must be send to the ESMC2022 Conference Secretariat by e-mail (esmc2022@abbey.ie) to confirm the student status at the time of the conference. Postdocs must register as Standard.
Social Programme
Monday 4 July 2022 - Welcome Reception (included in registration fee)
Thursday 7 July 2022 - Conference Dinner (additional fee)