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MS- 7-4

Mini-symposium title 

7-4 – Design and Development of Sustainable and Resilient Structures            


Jamie Goggins (NUI Galway), Feargal Brennan (University of Strathclyde), Gerard O’Reilly (IUSS Pavia) 

Mini-symposium description 

Papers in this mini-symposium will primarily focus on sustainable and resilient structures for buildings and energy infrastructure. The papers will apply leading-edge scientific and engineering methods to develop the improved infrastructure and built environment required for sustainable social and economic development. Papers are particularly welcome which have emphasis on applications, as well as theory, to maintain relevance to both industry and academia. The papers can focus on sustainable and resilient structures for a range of applications from civil engineering infrastructures (e.g. bridges, water and wastewater, communications, transportation, offshore structures, etc), to buildings (e.g. low energy buildings, seismic design, etc.) and energy infrastructure (e.g. offshore energy, wind energy, solar energy, power plants, etc.). It is envisaged that this mini-symposium on “Design and Development of Sustainable and Resilient Structures” will be of interest and use to all and a good reference to both researchers and practicing engineers. 


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